As I write this I have written a number of chapters of 


and I gotta tell you.

Of all the writing I have done in the last few years (novels especially) few have moved me quite this much. I know I am prejudiced (although I can be very objective about my own work. I think it would be mere vanity if that were not the case but it is.)

I am shrinking the carpet by my desk from the tears. LOL, and Mittens has to keep coming in here (my cat) to see what I am laughing about, and I know he suspects I am seeing another cat. You know how felines are. Hee).

No it is just me being my usual kooky self, but I have to confess. I AM having more of a reaction than normal. I think only the 2nd book in the 'DIME A DANCE' series where I was dealing with the death of Ofelia's mother but I was also dealing with the premonition of my own mothers death which I didn't fully know but was only a few months off, produced as much or more angst.

THAT was definitely emotional.

Maybe it is bec...

Nah. no need to speculate.

Just please enjoy the book. Have a reaction. Doesn't matter which it is as long as you have one. As a writer that is music to my ears.

I am a musician too you know. LOL.


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